Good Afternoon All, I am hoping one of you can help? I have been all over the inter-web looking for shop that will fix a dented 2 stroke pipe? I know there is a shop in the US ( ) however, I am not willing to spend the money on shipping. I have seen the videos on freezing the pipe, using a pressure washed to hydraulically fix the pipe, and I have see the Hydraforce pump as well, but those are as much, or more than the cost of a new pipe. So, I was hoping someone on here might know of a shop in Ontario that does basically the same type of repair as the shop in the US? Please post if you think you can help. Thanks in advance OPIPE
Word to the wise, blowing out a dented chamber can be relatively easy if not dangerous project . What I have found after many hits the pipe can and will deform in the header area and result in a piece that will never fit quite right again. Sad but true fact is 2 T pipes at some point have to be considered a regular replacement part like sprockets or bearings.
I have a local friend who has been repairing mostly KTM chambers for years using water pressure. His method helps the memory in the steel bring the neck right back to original position. Depending on how deformed the pipe is and how many times its been repaired, the water pressure starts to split the pipe in places remote to the dent you are repairing. Then as Jim says, its replacement time. My contact has stated that he doesn't want to do anymore, largely because his price has always been too low to cover his time. I can ask him if he might do your pipe. He might be suffering Covid 19 boredom and welcome the challenge.
Hey Tricky55, that would be awesome if you could inquire for's not that bad, so it shouldn't be a huge job, and this would be the first time I have used water pressure to help. Roughly, where abouts are you located?
I am in Milton. John will fix your pipe. I have friends in Port Perry, Roseneath and Whitby, if you wanted to try a hand delivery method. Not sure what return shipping a pipe costs. PM sent. Rick
Yes, you would think so Craig, but some old farts are resistant to change, even logical, beneficial change!